Todd Mosby Music

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Quarter Note Update 3


Been tracking new album Southwest in Los Angeles. What a ride, recording with LA’s finest; Tom Scott, Vinnie Colaiuta, Rhonda Smith to name a few have brought the music to life and a new level of perfection. Top flight studio ; East West has a long history and is where Bonnie Raitt tracked Nick of Time with the same Engineer I am using on this set of recordings, Clark Germain. It was a little intimidating to say the least stepping into this new environment but my years of training and experience prepared me for what I entered into without hesitation.

L-R: Timothy Bailey- ass, Dapo Miro-piano, Michael Clark-librarian, Vinnie Colaiuta-drums, Jeff Weber-producer, David Leach-percussion, Laura Vall-vocals, Tom Scott-sax/aerophone, Clark Germain-engineer/mixer, Gabe-assistant eng., Todd Mosby-seated.